Monday, February 18, 2008

The Most difficult paper I have written ever!

Research Paper On Jewish People
Kayleen Oscar
“It was late at night that we arrived at Auschwitz. When we came in, the minute the gates opened up, we heard screams, barking of dogs, blows from...from those Kapos, those officials working for them, over the head. And then we got out of the train. And everything went so fast: left, right, right, left. Men separated from women. Children were torn from the arms of mothers. The elderly chased like cattle. The sick, the disabled were handled like packs of garbage. They were thrown in a side together with broken suitcases, with boxes. My mother ran over to me and grabbed me by the shoulders, and she told me ‘Leibele, I'm not going to see you no more. Take care of your brother.’"

Personal Statement- Leo Schneiderman

There were thirteen concentration camps around Nazi Germany: Vught, Natzweiler, Neuengamme, Bergen Belson, Buchenwald, Flossenburg, Dachau, Ravensbruck, Sachsenhausen, Gross Rosen, Theresienstadt, Mauthausen, and Statthof. In Poland there were six death camps: Chelmno, Treblinka, Sobibor, Majdanek, Belzec, and Leo Schneiderman was in Auschwitz. Birkenau. Half of the Jewish population was exterminated in these camps
Jews have been discriminated for thousands of years because of their religious beliefs. The Nazis had starved, abused, shot, gassed, and burned them. They would give them a small amount of food. If they were sick or disabled they would handle them as Leo Schneiderman said, “like packs of garbage.”
Was Hitler at the war with the Jews just because Jewish people wrote the Bible? Was it because the Jews crucified Jesus Christ? Is it because the Jews are said to be God’s chosen people? For a long time many people disliked the Jews and were at war with them.
There was a Greek person named Apion. As he was growing older his hatred for Jewish people grew. It was said that the Jews would take a Greek Foreigner and fatten him or her up until it was time to sacrifice a Greek. In Greek times they were forced to disguise their synagogues as colleges and pay taxes to warship (PBS SITE)
Jews have been at war with Hitler and other people from different religions because these people didn’t like them. There is no clear explanation why Hitler was at war with Jews. At first Hitler started gassing retarded Germans. Then he started gassing the Jews. Basically like the retarded Germans Hitler thought Jews deserved to die because they were less than human.
The Germans discriminated against the Jews by using weapons of brutality like starvation, cruelty, terror, and dehumanization. They easily pushed Jews into the gas chambers. Most victims were taken in groups to secluded areas where they were stripped of clothing, pushed into open pits, machine-gunned, and then quickly covered over, in many cases even before all were dead. 98% of the Jewish population of Poland was executed. Despite their military might and organizational skills, the Germans needed help from local population. They were killing off millions of Jews without resistance or disturbance. Germans required help in identifying, isolating and demoralizing the Jews. All together half of the Jewish population were killed in this way.
Israel and Palestine are fighting over a piece of land that is called the Gaza Strip. For many years they have been told to move here and there. The Jews have no homeland to settle in because of all the discrimination they have faced. This is a struggle that still happens today.
Recently there has been another person that has continued the discrimination of the Jewish people. This person’s name is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. He is the president of Iran. He said that the Holocaust didn’t happen and that the Jews had made it all up. The Holocaust was just a myth to him. He said that Israel should be wiped off the map or be moved somewhere else. Ahmadinejad thinks that the Jews just wanted to be felt sorry for. He also thinks that the Jewish people put the “myth” above God, religions, and prophets.
The web page tells us testimonies that say that the Holocaust happened. In that website there are a lot of people that had said what had happened to them when they were at concentration camp. Those are true stories that they told. Some of them tell stories of other people but most of the stories are about the person who told it. There are also pictures in There are pictures of SS officers. There is a timeline from 1933 to 1961 explaining what had happened while Hitler was ruling Nazi Germany in the web page. In the next paragraph I will be naming some Jewish stereotypes.
The following are some well-known stereotypes. Jewish people are rich. Jews have good paying jobs. Jews are smart. Jews control everything. Jews know how to make money. Jews have hooked noses. Jewish mothers want their sons to become a doctor or a lawyer when they grow up. Jewish mothers interrupt people. Jewish mothers want to be the center of the conversation. Jewish women are skilled in the kitchen. Jews are not as honest as other businessmen. Jews have too much power in the business world. Jews don’t care what happens to anyone but their own kind. Jews always like to be at the head of things. No matter how sad a story you tell a Jew, he can top it. Jewish mothers talk a lot.
There are a lot of Jewish jokes that make fun if them. There are inappropriate ways of using the word Jew like Jewtastic, dirty Jew, Jewlarious, Jewed down, you are such a Jew, hooked-nosed Jew, kike. These are some Jewish slang words.
Does anyone die from the use of these words? No, there are some ways to discriminate Jews like using words, drawings, and of course physically discriminating them.
There were other discriminations that happened all over the world. Slavery was one of them. Africans were sold or stolen from Africa then sold them in America. Slaves are held against their will from the time of their capture, purchase, or birth, and are neglected. Jews were ripped from their homes and were forced to go into ghettos then into concentration camps.
Like the African-Americans the Native Americans had no rights. When the African-Americans got some rights the Native Americans weren’t given any. Their land was stolen, forced to move place to place, and was tricked by the Englishmen. The Jews have been moved around a lot. They don’t have a homeland. Their land was taken away from them. When the Jews were in the concentration camps the Nazis said that the Jews were to take a show, but instead the Jewish people were gassed.
The genocide in Africa was took place after the death of the Rwandan president Juvenal Habyarimana, a Hutu, when his plane was shot down above Kigali airport in 1994. That was the only cause that started the genocide. In half a year Hutus killed 800,000 Tutsis. There were 5.7 million Jews killed during the Holocaust.
There were different kinds of discrimination all over the world. The Holocaust wasn’t the only discrimination that happened, there was slavery, the genocide in Africa, Native Americans not having their rights, and the African American’s having little amount of rights. Most of these discriminations I didn’t know existed. There’s probably more discriminations I don’t know of but those who don’t recognize the past are doomed to repeat it.

1 comment:

Kwilliamz said...

This is to much work for me. when i get to this one do you want to do it for me? just kidding how u been. just being bored thats why i asked how are you. haha funny huh?