Wednesday, January 9, 2008


I Wish You Were Here

Mom, I’ve missed you ever since the moment you died. There’s been a pain inside me ever since you died. That pain grows everyday. I have more problems; I may seem happy but I’m not, I’m sad.

I just put a smile on my face so no one will question me what’s bothering me. When I can’t take it any more I will start crying for you; it doesn’t matter where I am I’ll still cry. I’m like a volcano erupting. Just erupt when it erupts. My body can’t take it any more. It can’t stand my pain any more. It hurts to keep my sorrow within me. The only person that will help cure my pain is you. I will not let anyone else cure my pain. The only thing that will cure my pain and take my sorrow away is seeing you.

It hurts me not seeing you. I am a puppy howling for its mom. I see you on the wall all the time, but those are just pictures. I would rather see you in person or in a dream. There are times I wish you were here with me. When I have bad, good, and sad times, or even just to be with me. I had wish that ever since I was nine years old. I even know when you died; it was a month before your birthday. On June 30, 1999 between 10 P.M. to 12 A.M.

I just wish you could be here so you could be there when I graduate, get married, see your first grandchild, and whatever is special to a family. You didn’t spank or ground me before. I remember you asked me if you were a mean mom and I said no. You never, in my whole life, had spanked me before.

I know that I was really spoiled when I was a kid. You were one of them people that had spoiled me. When I ask for something I would get it. I remember when I wanted a bike Uppa bought me a bike.

I want you to be here to dance with Dad when there is a two-step dance. Sometimes I get mad because he is dancing with some one else. I start crying when I see him dancing with someone else. From time to time I wonder if he wishes you were dancing with him. Maybe he does.

I miss your laughter, but sometimes I could hear it in Caroline when she laughs. When she laughs like you I tell her that she laughs like you and she asks how she laughs like you. I just tell her that she just laughs like you. There are times I think that she is you. I don’t know why but I just think that.

Remember when we used to walk in the woods on sunny days? Remember that nice smell of leaves and flowers? Hearing the leaves rustle on the trees? I do. Feeling that nice warm gusts of wind passing you. There is one thing I don’t like about walking in the woods; green, small, yucky bugs falling on you from the trees. That was the reason why I stopped climbing on trees and hardly liked walking in the woods.

I miss you a lot. I just want to see you. I want you to be here with me and the other kids. All of us cry for you, but we morn for you inside all the time. Then we just start crying if we can’t take the pain any more. That is how much we miss you.

1 comment:

Bummush Olrun said...

Wow your poems really long and I like it! Did you really make this poem? How long did it take you to write it?.....Man and you really spilled out your feelings! Very nice!